The Intersection of Art and Game Design with Ryan Laukat

Ryan Laukat, founder of Red Raven Games, discusses how to create a beautiful game that is also functional. Ryan does his own art for all of his games, so he has an incredible understanding of the tug of war a designer and artist can have when trying to make a game look great but also work well for the players.

We also talk about some best practices when hiring and working with an artist.

3 comments on “The Intersection of Art and Game Design with Ryan Laukat

  1. Joe Pilkus says:


    So, small world story…a good friend of mine, Josette knows Ryan, so I hope to meet him if he’s at Origins this year.

    City of Iron was my very first Backed KS project! It’s one of my daughter’s absolutely favorite games. it’s quite accessible, while providing enough of the strategy i want in a game.

    I couldn’t agree more with both of you with regard to whether you engage a game on KS by the art. It’s in the same realm as cooking. You first eat with your eyes. For instance, I’m sure Terraforming Mars is a good game, but I’ll never own it as it looks horrendous. By contrast, I immediately backed Martuans: A Story of Civilization as it looks stunning (coincidentally it plays well too).


  2. gabe says:

    We judge the book by its cover pretty much every single time. It just is what it is. And we can either fight that fact of human psychology, or we can use it to our advantage.

  3. Karan Tolani says:

    Excellent interview ! Lots of useful insights.

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