Jerry Hawthorne, designer of Mice and Mystics, discusses the importance of story in games.

Jerry specializes in narrative driven games and has numerous games to his credit. He goes into why people enjoy story in games so much and how you can inject more story into your games. Finally, he gives great advice on what to do first when creating a story driven game.

My favorite idea from the interview: “Create a story. Not a series of incidents.”

1 comment on “The Importance of Story in Games with Jerry Hawthorne

  1. David Diaz says:

    Got super excited when Jerry referenced Hero Quest. I absolutely loved that game as a kid. It was my only point of reference for rpg’s since I somehow missed D&D in the 80’s. I loved being the DM and reading the story to the players and being the one who controlled the reveal of all the pieces on the board. I’m not sure what happened to my original copy but I bought a copy of the game in great condition from ebay a few years ago and now I play it with my family.

    Thanks for the tips on story. I’m definitely going to put time into that facet any game I design.

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