Bonus Rounds

Here are all the bonus interviews from the BGDL Podcasts:

  1. Jamey Stegmaier on his favorite game mechanics.
  2. Luke Laurie on things all new designers need to know.
  3. Rahdo on themes he’d like to see more of.
  4. Mike Strickland on coming up with unique alien races.
  5. Colby Dauch on the barriers to entry in gaming
  6. Jay Vales on how to make a good “take that” game
  7. Richard Launius on his favorite game mechanics.
  8. JR Honeycutt on his specific process for developing a game.
  9. Stephen Buonocore on publisher considerations when adding components to a game.
  10. Jerry Hawthorne on how he draws inspiration from everyday life
  11. Ryan Laukat on creating art for a Kickstarter project.
  12. Emerson Matsuuchi on his process of creating special abilities.
  13. Jamey Stegmaier on how to approach a small publisher with your game.
  14. JT Smith on how to come up with expansion ideas.
  15. Dan Peterson on underutilized themes that need to be explored.
  16. Edo Baraf on how to create and manage Kickstarter stretch goals.
  17. Sen-Foong Lim on where to find parts and components for your prototypes.
  18. Tom Vasel on where he hopes the gaming industry goes next.
  19. Brent Kinney on underutilized printing opportunities in games.
  20. Rob Daviau on what themes really need a legacy version.
  21. Chris Rowlands on what RPG elements he’d like to see more if in board games.
  22. Patrick Leder on how to know when a game is done.
  23. Morten Pedersen on writing rulebooks for nonnative English speakers.
  24. Chris Kirkman on considerations when designing a small game.
  25. Mike Mihealsick on why Euro games are awesome.
  26. Gabe Barrett on using the right tools for the job.